Thursday, March 15, 2007

And a star is born!

Most of you know my gal. She’s great – and she’s also shy sometimes and she’s modest. So, you would probably never see this if I didn’t send it to you. And, she will probably not like the fact that I am linking this here. had to be done.

Yep – the gal has made it to the big time by being on a recruiting video for Mayo Clinic. Go to the page and click on her photo in the lower right corner to view it.

She’s also been asked to do another video, which shoots later today – so I, of course, will be sending that one along as well.

Nice work!


Anonymous said...

what. a. rock. star. honestly, she's in the wrong line of work. I'm a stammering idiot with a camera on me. her? pro. can I post it on dstrktr to increase viewership? (no offense, but let's be honest.)

Anonymous said...

of course you should post it on yours. look, we both know the 6 people who post on your site are the only ones who read it. if you are okay pointing out that fact, that's fine. but i don't think you want to get into a stat counting contest. maybe a month ago, but not now.

koo' said...

she's so good, int she? if i was a boss man, i'd definily want her on camera too. we've always said she could do the news too.