Friday, January 25, 2008

Dana Jacobson might get fired.

Yes, that’s Dana Jacobson having her way with a bottle of vodka during the roast for Mike and Mike last weekend. We mentioned here on this site that Dana went a little overboard at last week’s roast and now it looks like she might get fired.

Something called the Christian Defense Coalition is pissed about Dana saying the words -- and we will paraphrase here since we are sort of a family sight -- “Fudge Notre Dame” “Fudge Touchdown Jesus” and yes….”Fudge Jesus” but um…she didn’t say fudge.

So…while Jacobson is currently serving a one-week suspension, she could in fact get the boot for good. It’s stupid that she is actually being held accountable for what she said during a roast since these things are SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY AND IRREVERENT but, well…saying Eff Jesus probably wasn’t very smart. Still... firing her is probably going a little too far.

By the way, doesn’t Trey Wingo look like he is sizing her up in that photo? Like he is a drunken bar-fly hunter on the prowl or something? Good times.

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